Friday, January 1, 2016

What happened today and what I hope will (continue to) happen

Right now, I am not having any doubts that I can lose weight and I can overcome these thoughts that I can't or have any other bothersome obsessive thought for that matter. The problem with me is I never put forth the effort or at least struggle to put forth the effort to follow my own advice.  Sometimes I forget what to do or I just forget what to write.  I also have issues with concentration and focus.  Interestingly enough, I focus on the wrong things such as what I get obsessed with at the moment, not always "realizing" that it is just fiction, like a movie for example.  I often get afraid of even the smallest things at even the smallest moments.  I like to watch things that are clean and wholesome.  Curse words bother me and now I am questioning myself about action films.  Should I watch them?  I feel that God is changing me little by little by little each day.  I guess what I am trying to say is that I am being renewed.  I guess that is what that means.

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