Sunday, July 5, 2015

Being honest about how I really feel

I have to be honest.  After all, aren't we all, especially Christians supposed to be honest?  I just hope that that honesty isn't meant to be rude or in fact, sinful.  The truth is, it is best to not bottle up my emotions and leave them there.  Bottles are meant to be open sometimes so that the contents can be released.  If not, then bottles can burst.  I feel so much better, at least better than I have in a while.  Why is that?  Confession is good for one's soul and my soul is no exception.  My confession is basically, I don't like some people.  I don't hate them, but all of my issues stem from fear and doubt and anxiety.  I couldn't take the feelings that I really have stay bottled up.  It was time that I said that.  Those bottled up feelings have made the OCD worse and me feeling much better.  I have finally confessed that I don't like this person for whatever reason I don't like him or her.  Ever since then, I have no longer been shy as to who I like and who I don't.  I don't mean to come across as a hypocrite, but I can only shudder to think what were to happen if I kept my feelings bottled up.  Now I can say for now, my mind is clear.

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