Saturday, December 5, 2015

Answering the headline questions 12/5/15

1. Are they meaningful?
2. Will they matter in the near future?
3. Are they of any value?
4. How will they affect me on a personal level?

The truth is, I already know the answers.  They have no meaning, they are not real, or of no value. Therefore, they really don't have an effect on a personal level because it is not my story.  Now I need to further ask myself these questions:

1. Do they honor God?
2. Do they honor me?
3. Can they really hurt me?
4. Why do I have these thoughts?
5. What are my fears and how to face them?
6. What are really the most important things to me?

Here are today's headlines:
1. Robin Givens humiliates Mike Tyson.
2. Paris Hilton is the subject of mocking on "South Park".
3. Iggy Azalea responds to Erika Badu's comments.
4. Man catches wife in bed and lifts up the "covers".
5. The politics of race is a New York Times best seller.

I realized that if I wished to overcome these thoughts, I have to do what is most difficult and that is to answer the questions and hold nothing back.  I have had obsessive thoughts and troubling images on each of these headlines for years and I dare say that the common theme here concerns people doing wrong and done wrong.  I hate it.  I hate disses.  I hate humiliation.  I hate other people's reactions. I hate my own reactions sometimes.  What scares me is that I will become judgmental and hateful.  I also believe that what scares me more is that I won't have an opinion of my own.  In the grand scheme of things, none of these things don't affect me personally.  So why the obsessive thoughts and such images?  I have strong opinions and the OCD attaches itself to it.  No one deserves to be called out on in a humiliating way, murdered, beaten, mocked, or dissed.  This is clearly not a Christian society we are living in and it is scary and troubling that some people think it is okay.  I don't know Robin Givens, nor do I know her motives for doing why she did this but I think she should have handled things differently.  I don't know Paris Hilton either, but South Park went too far.  Good or bad, people have feelings.  Erika Badu went too far regardless if Iggy is a pop star who raps and doesn't seem to be a good person.  Women and men should not cheat yet I have no idea about infidelity other than the fact that it is a sin and will be judged by God.  Racism is also a sin and it is sad that the enemy has done a good job of dividing and almost destroying the human race (thankfully he didn't do this).  So none of these disses, humiliations, mockings, and revenge affect me personally specifically.  They are not God honoring nor do they honor anyone much less me. Having written these thoughts, they cannot hurt me.  Family, faith, character, and minding mine and the Lord's business are important to me as these thoughts have no meaning, or value.

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