Sunday, April 10, 2016

Two Ways to Transform Your Thoughts 07/16/2013 05:25 pm ET | Updated Sep 15, 2013 by Steve McSwain

“Our aim in taking the spiritual path,” writes Matthieu Ricard, in his bestseller, Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill“is to transform ourselves,” and we do that, he says, by “transforming our minds.”

Transformation of the mind?

What the Buddhist monk has suggested is not unlike what Saint Paul suggested in his letter to the Romans, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,” (Romans 12:1-2).

What needs transforming or changing in your mind? Or, more precisely, in your thinking?

...What you think about yourself?
...The thoughts you think about someone else?
...Or, what you think (and how you feel) about life itself?

Much of how we feel about ourselves, others, and even life is the consequence of our thoughts. Which is why Saint Paul, in his letter to the Philippians said, “Think on these things,” and enumerated the things we should intentionally work at thinking on (Philippians 4:8).

And it is work, my friend. Which is why Paul and the monk both say you must make the transformation of your thinking the goal of your spiritual path or practice (Philippians 4:9).

When I coach clients and colleagues I am often asked, “How do I change my thinking?”

Try the following...

1. Know first what it is you are thinking. That is to say, be the observer of your thoughts. I cannot stress more strongly that you are not your thoughts. You are instead, the observer of your thoughts.

Even say this is not exactly true. But it is closer to the truth of who you really are. Train yourself to observe the thoughts that randomly appear in your mind stream. This creates a little separation between you, the real you, and the thoughts you are thinking.

But, that’s just the first thing you must do to transform your thinking.

Read full blog here..

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