Saturday, August 1, 2015

It sounds crazy but it just might work.

I find myself agreeing with the thoughts.  I don't mean to, but I "hate" some people.  I have accepted the fact that some people just aren't likable. I have realized that one has to use reverse psychology on these thoughts. Now these thoughts don't bother me anymore.  Some people just aren't nice people who not so nice things. The thoughts give me pause sometimes and now I now wonder if I should have done that all along. I have no idea that this was a solution that is crazy, but it just might work.  For instance, I wonder if my "crush" was a racist.  I personally don't believe he was a racist, but my thoughts say that he is.  How come he is rarely in pictures or videos with people of other groups particularly with black people?  He may like some black celebrities, but he can still be a racist.  Just like Archie Bunker, in a way. I have to watch the episode with Sammy Davis, Jr. (RIP).

It is weird but I believe that the reverse psychology works.  Those thoughts no longer bother me.  I find myself agreeing with those thoughts, even about fictional characters.  That is even harder.  What is true is that they are creations of one's imagination, so why the fear?  I have had this fear the whole time I had these thoughts.  Infidelity used to either be an exciting topic.  Now it has become a rather scary topic.  I wish I sometimes had other topics that scare me.  That makes no sense.  I am tired of being scared of the infidelity. I have allowed the fear to take over.  I have avoided things that I thought I would never avoid.  I realize that what is written I have to take for granted sometimes.  I have also realized that my fears are really unfounded. I did not sin, but how can I overcome the sins that others have done?  Agreeing with the thoughts may actually be strange in this case but it is just might work.

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