Thursday, January 23, 2014

Homework 1/15-1/23

1/15/14   I am brave enough to go through pain and struggle.
1/16/14   Life is mine to live and I will live it.
1/17/14   Patience is one of my virtues.
1/18/14   I have never been a fool for love...thankfully.
1/19/14   I believe in myself.
1/20/14   I am wonderful.
1/21/14   I do things that are not only beneficial to myself, but are beneficial to others as well.
1/22/14   I have an open mind. Therefore, I have an open heart.
1/23/14   I never take anything or anyone for granted.

1/16/14   Hopefully I have set some realistic goals for myself.  I realize that failing to plan something realistic is just as dangerous as planning to fail.
1/17/14    I have to do this or I have to do that is a big mistake and it produces failure.  What should be on my mind is to set a realistic goal based on the probable causes of failure.
1/18/14    I realize that discernment is something that every Christian is supposed to have in terms of identifying false prophets even if some have the gift of discernment.  This is what I was concerned about today.
1/19/14   I have learned that a key to true discernment is to abstain from all appearance of evil.  I am not sure what it means as written in God's word however
1/20/14   I have been on Weight Watchers before and I was frustrated.  I was not as patient back then.  I wish I had stayed longer, but that is my goal now.  I want to do well on this program.
1/21/14    When was the last time I have written a short story?  When was the last time I have tried Japanese food?  I haven't tried Japanese food, but the point is the same.  I need to do more with my life.  I would like to take up a hobby or something.  I was bored with listening music today.  I couldn't finish listening to many songs today.  I correlate listening to a song with whatever mood hits me.  That is just how I am.  What is it that I want to learn?
1/22/14   Life is too short not to plan and also life is too short to complain.  The best gift in life when one is bored is to do something about it.
I am contemplating but not much.  I eat food because of celebration or because I have given up.  I am now in a stable place with my eating.  It is ironic because I still have a ways to go as far as eating a healthy diet.  All I know what to do is to keep it simple enough by having goals and sticking to them.
Even that is hard, but hopefully I will get through it.
Food and Blog entries

1/15/14    How do I define life skills?  It has to do with dieting for me.  It also has to do with changing my mind and controlling how to think and what I think about food in this case.  I realize that sweating the small stuff is stressful, but so is lacking in control.  I have eaten more than I should today and I have eaten too much.  I want to continue on the program and lose weight.  The last thing I wish to do is quit.
1/16/14    Well, I will not quit.  So far, today is a day that I will do well.  I understand that the key is to limit the "bad stuff" and eat more fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and whole grain.  As someone who has PCOS and also diabetes, eating a healthy diet is very important to me.  I also plan to set more realistic goals for me.
1/17/14    I guess that I did well for the first week.  So far, I am happy with what I have done.  There are things that I will like to learn.  I have to learn not to have trigger foods all around me.  Trigger foods include ham, ice cream, frozen yogurt, snacks, and crackers.
1/18/14    I have done well, yet there are times when I need to know how to fix a meal. Fixing a meal means to determine which foods should go with what.  In other words, I can't just eat two or more things and call it a filling breakfast.
1/19/14    I still have a lot to learn, but I think that I could do worse.  As of right now, I am not frustrated on my weight loss journey.
1/20/14    I need to be consistent. I have been on Weight Watchers before and I was frustrated.  I was not as patient back then.  I wish I had stayed longer, but that is my goal now.
1/21/14     The problem has been that I have always had so much information that it has gotten confusing.  How do I keep it simple when I had so much information?
1/22/14    I realize that first I need to eat healthy so that I can eat properly.  I have little idea how to eat healthy.  I would like to know about healthy eating and fitness
I am contemplating but not much.  I eat food because of celebration or because I have given up.  I am now in a stable place with my eating.  It is ironic because I still have a ways to go as far as eating a healthy diet.  All I know what to do is to keep it simple enough by having goals and sticking to them.
Even that is hard, but hopefully I will get through it. What the problem is, it's that I need to learn how to eat, and what to eat, and when to eat food.  I realized that food consumption has been allowed to control me.  I need help but I realize that small changes make a big difference.

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