Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I got it!

1. Are they meaningful?
2. Will they matter in the near future?
3. Are they of any value?
4. How will they affect me on a personal level?

The truth is, I already know the answers.  They have no meaning, they are not real, or of no value. Therefore, they really don't have an effect on a personal level because it is not my story.  Now I need to further ask myself these questions:

1. Do they honor God?
2. Do they honor me?
3. Can they really hurt me?
4. Why do I have these thoughts?
5. What are my fears and how to face them?
6. What are really the most important things to me?

I had to realize that I had to live a life to please God and not man, including myself.  What in my life honors God?  What in my life isn't demeaning?  I will never truly know why I have the thoughts that I have, but I guess it never mattered then and it doesn't matter now.  I believe that it is okay to wonder but since I worry, I also tend to over-think or to mull over the specific details.  These thoughts in and of themselves have no meaning or value; all they produce is anxiety and fear.  They need some reaction by me but it is best to produce little or no reaction.  I realize that changing the channel or letting the thoughts pass also help.  

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